I am a professor at Boston College (following a quarter of a century Cornell University), where I am a specialist in International Relations and political economy (more about these pursuits can be found here and here and here), and write books on topics such as American Power after the Financial Crisis and An Unwritten Future: Realism and Uncertainty in World Politics
For many years now I have also been teaching and writing about film, especially (but not exclusively) the “seventies film” – and this site is devoted to those interests. I am a contributing writer for Cineaste, and my essays on cinema have also appeared in The Boston Review, The Los Angeles Review of Books, The New Left Review, and numerous other outlets. Syllabi for my courses on the New Hollywood can be found here and “A Cinema of Resistance” here; I have also taught (and written) on a wider variety of topics as well, including film noir, postwar French cinema, Woody Allen, and, in more omnibus fashion, many of the great directors (Orson Welles, Alfred Hitchcock, Stanley Kubrick, John Huston and others) in a course with the flexible title of “Masters and Masterpieces.”
I am also the author of Urban Flight, a novel that takes place in New York City in 1975.